Seminole Bicycle Accident Attorney

In every state, motorists are required to share the road with bicyclists. With bicyclists being vulnerable to injuries, motorists should take extra care when traveling behind a rider on the roadway. Sadly, there are many situations in which a vehicle operator is careless, leaving a bicyclist with devastating injuries.

At Matthews Injury Law, we understand the impact of a bicycle crash. Many bicycle accidents result in more than bumps and bruises, leaving an individual unable to provide for loved ones, instead, being consumed by endless doctor’s appointments.

If you or a family member has suffered an injury in a bicycle accident, our Seminole bicycle accident attorneys are here to advocate on your behalf.

Common Injuries Suffered by Bicyclists

Since bicyclists do not have the protection of an enclosed vehicle, a bicyclist may suffer any of the following injuries:

Traumatic Brain Injuries

A bicyclist who is knocked off a bike may suffer brain damage. Known as a traumatic brain injury (TBI), it may result from any bump, blow, or strike to the head. Symptoms can range from headache, nausea, and fatigue, with more severe cases involving memory loss, seizures, and a comatose state. In moderate and severe cases, medical attention is often necessary.

Lower Extremity Injuries

A pedal cyclist who is thrown off his or her bicycle may experience lower extremity injuries, primarily to the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), knees, ankles, and feet. Fractures are most common, with multiple fractures being seen in many situations.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Sudden force placed on the spine can cause a spinal cord injury. A spinal cord injury may affect the cord itself or the nerves located at the end of the spinal cord. Symptoms often involve a loss of feeling and use below the site of injury. In extreme cases, permanent paralysis may occur.

When you suffer an injury in an accident, the last thing you need to worry about is gathering documentation. When hiring a Seminole bicycle accident attorney, you ensure that any and all medical records and billing information are submitted to the insurance company. Our main concern is getting you the compensation you deserve.

Compensatory Damages

In a bicycle accident case, a plaintiff can receive compensation for measurable losses. Some losses are easily quantifiable, taking money out of a person’s pocketbook. These are known as economic damages and may include, but are not limited to:

On the other hand, non-economic damages are those losses that are more difficult to calculate but have an emotional and mental impact on the victim. These include, but are not limited to:

Comparative Negligence

Accidents are complex events, often involving multiple parties and even differing accounts of what unfolded. While you deserve to be compensated fairly for your injuries, recent changes to Florida law will prohibit you from recovery if you are deemed more than 50 percent at fault. 

An insurance adjuster will aim to place the blame on you, but our bicycle accident attorneys are prepared to defend your rights, even if that means taking your case in front of a judge.

Contact a Seminole Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

A bicycle accident can instantaneously rip away your future plans. If you have suffered an injury in a bicycle accident, our Seminole bicycle accident attorneys want to hear from you. To learn more, contact us by phone or by completing our online contact form. We offer free consultations scheduled at your convenience.