TAMPA, FL – Attorney Marc Matthews and his team at Matthews Personal Injury Law are representing a victim of a horrific truck crash that left seven people, including five children, dead on Interstate 75 near Gainesville, Florida. The crash occurred January 3 and involved a church van carrying kids from Louisiana.
Matthews and his team have obtained verdicts and settlements totaling several million dollars on behalf of victims involved in past auto and truck accidents.
“Since truck crashes are usually catastrophic, trucking companies will spare no expense in immediately investigating the crash and preparing a defense,” Matthews said. “This often occurs while our clients are still in the hospital, or in some unfortunate circumstances, while our clients’ families are trying to plan for a funeral.”
Matthews advises victims or families of victims involved in truck crashes to immediately speak to a personal injury lawyer before valuable information such as maintenance records or data from the truck’s black box are lost or destroyed. “If we are hired early, we are capable of meeting and exceeding the trucking company’s efforts to protect itself and its driver.”
In the case of the I-75 crash, records show that the truck driver, who also died, may have received several traffic tickets over the years in multiple states. Every truck driver needs to follow strict laws included in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. However, Matthews notes after his extensive experience representing truck crash victims, it’s clear that all too many trucking companies are letting unqualified drivers behind the wheel.
“Truck drivers – considering they are professionals and operate vehicles 20 to 40 times the weight of other cars – should be the safest drivers on the road. Unfortunately for drivers in Florida, this is often not the case.”
If you are a victim from this incident or another truck crash, contact the experienced team at Matthews Personal Injury Law by calling 813-530-1000. Matthews and his team are committed to enforcing personal injury justice and have the extensive verdict history to prove that commitment.