How is Negligence Established in a Truck Accident?

Crashed truck

When you’ve suffered horrific injuries in a truck accident, your lawyer must establish negligence on the part of the driver, trucking company, shipper, truck manufacturer, owner, or a government entity for failing to maintain the road. But depending on the specific circumstances of your accident, establishing negligence can be complex.

What is Required to Establish Negligence in Truck Crashes?

To establish negligence in your truck accident, you must show proof that the trucker didn’t act in a reasonably safe manner, and their actions resulted in your injuries and damages. Specifically, you must prove the following elements of negligence:

While establishing negligence and liability in truck accident cases may seem straightforward, it rarely is because of the multiple parties that may share fault and liability for the accident.

How is Negligence Investigated in Truck Accidents?

Truck drivers will not be automatically declared negligent or at fault for a truck crash. Even if you’ve suffered catastrophic injuries, they do not prove the trucker’s negligence. Establishing evidence and facts is how your lawyer will be able to determine who caused the crash. Besides the police report, witness statements, and photos and videos of the crash, your Sarasota truck accident lawyer will gather and review the following evidence:

Connect With a Seasoned Sarasota Truck Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a family member have been injured in a truck crash due to the negligent actions of a driver, trucking company, truck manufacturer, government agency, or any other party, you may be eligible to pursue compensation. The Sarasota truck accident lawyers or Matthews Injury Law will work diligently to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you require for all your injury-related losses. We will prove the negligence, fault, and liability for your damages, so you can receive a fair settlement.

Arrange your free consultation with our Sarasota truck accident lawyer by calling 941-877-5800 or completing our online form to explore your legal options.