Complying with Florida Auto Insurance Laws
Depending on which state you drive in, you will be required to maintain certain amounts of liability coverage. In no-fault states, like Florida, you are required to carry personal injury protection. This protects you if you need medical care following your crash.
Besides personal injury protection, drivers must carry property damage liability coverage. Property damage liability covers any property damage caused by you or another motorist driving your vehicle.
Our Tampa car accident lawyers would like to provide an overview of auto insurance requirements in the Sunshine State.
No-Fault States
Florida and a minority of states have no-fault insurance laws when it comes to vehicle accident claims. Regardless of who is at fault, drivers in no-fault states will submit accident claims with their own insurance provider.
However, if you suffer serious injuries, you can exit the no-fault system and sue the other driver. This applies if your personal injury claim exceeds $10,000.
Under Florida Statute §316.027, an injury is considered “serious” if it causes:
- A physical condition that causes a significant risk of death;
- Scarring or disfigurement; or
- Loss of or inability to use a body part or organ
Insurance Liability Coverage in Florida
Drivers who want to register a vehicle in Florida must show proof of personal injury protection (PIP) and property damage liability (PDL).
Personal Injury Protection
Drivers who have their vehicles registered in Florida are required to carry at least $10,000 in PIP, with a maximum deductible of $1,000.
PIP covers the following:
- 80% of all reasonable and necessary medical expenses ($10,000 limit)
- $2,500 in non-emergency medical expenses
- 60% in lost wages ($10,000 limit)
- $5,000 in death benefits
It does not matter who is at fault for the crash. However, in order to access these medical benefits, you must obtain medical care within 14 days following your car accident. This means that if your symptoms do not present until 14 days after your accident, you will be unable to tap into this coverage.
Property Damage Liability
To legally drive in the state of Florida, you must carry $10,000 in PDL, with a maximum deductible of $500. As previously mentioned, PDL covers any property damage caused by you or another driver.
It does not matter who caused the crash. PDL will cover any vehicle damage, as well as damage to fences, trees, telephone poles, and any property.
What Happens if One Driver Does Not Carry Insurance?
Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM) protects you if you are in a crash with an uninsured or underinsured driver. While this additional coverage will increase your premiums, it will give you financial relief when you need it most.
Contact a Tampa Car Accident Attorney Today
If you have been injured in a car crash, your medical bills may be piling up while your paychecks may be dwindling. No matter who caused the crash, our car accident attorneys are here to help. Contact us online or by phone to schedule your free consultation.